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Amanda Winder
Aug 21, 20242 min read
Be Still
Silence is the last thing my soul wants to hear from Holy Spirit when I want an answer. He keeps telling me to “be still.” My soul...
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Amanda Winder
Oct 28, 20215 min read
Summer of Stillness
If you followed my writings over the past summer, then you know I shared about stillness and the glory of God a lot. At one point, I...

Amanda Winder
Jun 6, 20212 min read
Remember how I challenged you in my last writing to “sit still” in the presence of God? Remember how I expressed that I believe stillness...

Amanda Winder
May 27, 20212 min read
Sit Still
Very few people know this about me, but something I’ve practiced for years is the skill of sitting in the stillness of God’s presence....

Amanda Winder
Apr 13, 20191 min read
Stand Still Amanda
I keep hearing God say, “Stand still. Stand firm. Stand secure in Me. We’ve come so far. Don’t waiver to the left or to the right. Don’t...

Amanda Winder
Feb 29, 20162 min read
The Reality of Now...
I had a conversation the other day that resulted in this…. That life… All that it is… Well it’s not static… It’s not a constant plateau…...

Amanda Winder
Feb 5, 20161 min read
Wandering with Stillness...
Emotions… They can be such a funny thing… A mixture that causes us to feel all sorts of ways at once… That’s where I am right now… I feel...

Amanda Winder
Dec 22, 20151 min read
Still... In the Now...
What happens when you look at something and think, “I know in my heart that was supposed to become something more than it is?”… That’s...

Amanda Winder
Aug 18, 20143 min read
Just Be
I’m learning that the more I lived in the moment…. the here and now…. well…. the least stressed, anxious and worried I am. I’m learning...
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